Our Rose Bear Gift is a stunning creation featuring a teddy bear covered in soft synthetic red roses, now arriving elegantly wrapped. Each will be meticulously hand-wrapped in transparent cellophane paper, topped with a handcrafted bow for a touch of elegance.This exquisite piece makes for a perfect decorative accent in the home or office of someone dear to you. True love endures, and so should the tokens of that love. With our Premium Teddy Rose Bear, you can give a gift of timeless elegance and opulence, creating memorable moments with your nearest and dearest not just once, but continuously throughout the entire year. Each bear is handcrafted with care.
Please Note: These Rose Bears does not come in a gift box, Each will be meticulously hand-wrapped in transparent cellophane paper, topped with a handcrafted bow for a touch of elegance.
Size: Bear 14", with slight variations as all gifts are handmade.
Color Options: Red, Pink, Pink and Blue, Aqua, or Blue, all Wrapped with a bow.
Features over 500 synthetic roses for a full and lush appearance.